712 of 1050 NAPERVILLE/2020_08_06   Aug 7, 2020 Nike Park, Naperville   NAPERVILLE/2020_08_08 714 of 1050
(Large Milkweed Bug) mating dorsal
Large Milkweed Bug
Oncopeltus fasciatus
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(Large Milkweed Bug) mating lateral
Large Milkweed Bug
Oncopeltus fasciatus
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(Tiger Swallowtail) female flying
Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus
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(Tiger Swallowtail) female upperside
Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus
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Biotic species by taxon: Bugs, Butterflies

Peter 2.0 root Root inaturalist 4 photos this page.
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0