563 of 1045 RIVERWALK/2017_05_05   May 7, 2017 Chicago Montrose Harbor   MONTROSE/2017_05_12 565 of 1045
(Spotted Sandpiper) foraging
Spotted Sandpiper
Actitis macularius
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(Sanderling) foraging
Calidris alba
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(Sanderling) wading
Calidris alba
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(Yellow-breasted Chat) front
Yellow-breasted Chat
Icteria virens
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(Yellow-breasted Chat) perching
Yellow-breasted Chat
Icteria virens
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(Yellow-breasted Chat) standing
Yellow-breasted Chat
Icteria virens
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(House Sparrow) dance
House Sparrow
Passer domesticus
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(Blue-gray Gnatcatcher) male perching
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Polioptila caerulea
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(Hooded Warbler) male juvenile perching
Hooded Warbler
Setophaga citrina
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(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) yawning
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Stelgidopteryx serripennis
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(European Starling) calling
European Starling
Sturnus vulgaris
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(European Starling) mating
European Starling
Sturnus vulgaris
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(European Starling) mating cloacal kiss
European Starling
Sturnus vulgaris
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(White-throated Sparrow) feeding
White-throated Sparrow
Zonotrichia albicollis
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(White-crowned Sparrow) singing
White-crowned Sparrow
Zonotrichia leucophrys
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Biotic species by taxon: Land Birds, Water Birds

Peter 2.0 root Root inaturalist ebird 15 photos this page; 3 new species.
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0