395 of 1050 MCDOWELL/2015_05_22   May 25, 2015 Chicago Monroe Harbor   DUPAGE/2015_06_02 397 of 1050
(Caspian Tern) gliding
Caspian Tern
Hydroprogne caspia
inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) basking
Ring-billed Gull
Larus delawarensis
inaturalist ebird
(Ring-billed Gull) flying frontal
Ring-billed Gull
Larus delawarensis
inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) female
House Sparrow
Passer domesticus
inaturalist ebird

Biotic species by taxon: Land Birds, Water Birds

Peter 2.0 root Root inaturalist ebird 4 photos this page; 1 new species.
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0