808 of 1050 ARROWHEAD/2022_08_15   Aug 18, 2022 Arrowhead Park   ARROWHEAD/2022_08_20 810 of 1050
Catalpa Leafminer Fly blotch mine on Northern Catalpa
Catalpa Leafminer Fly
Amauromyza pleuralis
Catalpa Leafminer Fly linear mine on Northern Catalpa
Catalpa Leafminer Fly
Amauromyza pleuralis
Ash Bead Gall Mite underside galls on Green Ash
Ash Bead Gall Mite
Aceria fraxini
inaturalist GBIF wikipedia
Ash Bead Gall Mite upperside galls on Green Ash
Ash Bead Gall Mite
Aceria fraxini
inaturalist GBIF wikipedia
Ostensackenella Leafminer Moth caterpillar mine on Black Locust
Ostensackenella Leafminer Moth
Chrysaster ostensackenella

Biotic species by taxon: Arachnids, Flies, Moths

Peter 2.0 root Root inaturalist 5 photos this page; 3 new species.
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0