789 of 1033 YTHER/2022_05_17   May 18, 2022 Elsie Holmes Nature Park, GA   YTHER/2022_05_19 791 of 1033
(Giant Leaf-footed Bug) dorsal
Giant Leaf-footed Bug
Acanthocephala declivis
inaturalist bugguide wikipedia
(Giant Leaf-footed Bug) lateral
Giant Leaf-footed Bug
Acanthocephala declivis
inaturalist bugguide wikipedia
(Powdered Dancer) female blue form
Powdered Dancer
Argia moesta

Biotic species by taxon: Bugs, Dragonflies

Peter 2.0 root Root inaturalist Southeast nature photos 2022 Southeast inat project 2022 3 photos this page; 1 new species.
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0